Thursday, January 24, 2013

I hate introductions.
What am I supposed to say?

I love to grow flowers, i've always had a green thumb. I got it from my grandma. i used to spend everyday at her house and help her clean and take care of all her plants. My mother on the other hand kills anything sge touches. Never give her a plant.
I cant wait to graduate and get on with my life.


  1. That's cool. My mother also has a black thumb and kills every green thing that was ever once living. I have never had a garden but I do think they're beautiful. I think that that is a great talent to have.

  2. That's cool, my thumb is a little black growing things is not somthing that i can do, so i think its good that you have a talent for it:}

  3. "I cant wait to graduate and get on with my life."

    I agree, COMPLETELY.
